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Hotel Chapslee


Evocative of a bygone era, Chapslee, formerly the summer residence of the late Hon’ble Raja Charanjit Singh of Kapurthala, is now a small, exclusive Hotel. The Hon’ble Raja Charanjit Singh of Kapurthala was a member of the erstwhile Council of States and had the distinction and privilege of being an invitee to the coronations of both King George V and King Edward VIII. He was a host and gourmet extraordinaire and his table was considered to be one of the finest in northern India.

Built in 1835, Chapslee was acquired by Lord Auckland, then Governor General of the East India Company. The declaration of the first war against Afghanistan known as ‘The Afghan Manifesto’, was signed at Chapslee on the first of October, 1838. Sir Edward Buck writes in his famous book,
Simla Past and Present, “In the opinion of many good judges, Chapslee is surpassed by no other Simla residence in arrangement and general advantages”.

Kanwar Ratanjit Singh ,son of the late Lt.Col. Rajkumar Ripjit Singh, C.I.E., and grandson of Raja Charanjit Singh, opened Chapslee to visitors in 1976. He continues to reside there and Chapslee is still the family home it was, but he now shares it with his guests. Resplendent with heirlooms such as Gobelin tapestries, rare textiles and cabinetry from the Doge’s palace in Venice, chandeliers from Murano, blue pottery jardinieres from Multan, Peshwa vases, Persian carpets, marble statuary and a collection of Indian object d’arts, Chapslee exudes old world charm.

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